Saturday, May 29, 2010

Subway Story – Quickie

Okay. I now have a new winner for the best Subway experience after this weekend…well, at least top three. I had just come from the theatre (pause for shock), so it was about 11:00 PM on a Saturday night and after a glass of wine at intermission and another with dinner four hours earlier, I was probably the most sober person waiting for the 2.
It started with a one-toothed woman asking which side of the platform was uptown (for the record, both sides went uptown), and doing a spontaneous dance when I told her she was the in right place. Because of the dental situation, she kind of freaked me out , so I made a conscious decision when the train arrived to stay out of her car. As a result, I followed this couple into the train that had obviously been drinking…heavily.
The woman got a seat and the man stood comfortably between her legs when the train closed its doors and started to accelerate. The train was packed and I stood roughly two feet away. I was getting off at 72nd to find a friendly bar on Amsterdam, which meant I was only on this train one stop. One stop and 30 blocks.
Early in on the five-minute ride, the woman reached into her purse and pulled out her i-pod. She turned up the music and handed an ear bud to the man, sticking the other in her own ear. They both started listening to the music and moving to the sexy beats only they could hear. By the end of the ride, they were full on grinding to the music. They used the bench, switched positions, got on the floor, used a pole, moved other people out of the way – it was amazing. They basically had sex with their clothes on in front of 60 strangers. Even the unshakable New Yorkers riding with me were a little fazed. We exchanged glances and occasionally laughed out loud at their outrageous, spontaneous performance. Did they realize they weren’t in a dance club? That they were, in fact, the only people who could hear this intoxicating beat? Or were they just drunk and horny?
You know, it was probably the latter, but whatever it was, it made for a great subway ride and a good shared laugh with my fellow New Yorkers. God, I love the Subway.

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