Sunday, March 7, 2010

I'm not a Native, but I play one on TV

Man, today in spin class I felt too cool for school. I was warming up next to this guy before class began and we started chatting. He just moved here from Georgia and asked me about the neighborhood and the city in general. I found myself recommending areas to visit, restaurants, other neighborhoods, and bike paths – and even being able to tell him the subway lines to get there. I felt like a real New Yorker.
That’s the thing about this city – people are constantly moving in. So no matter how new you are to New York, you’re an expert in the eyes of someone even newer. I’m confident Alex, the guy from spin class, thinks I’m an expert on the city. He doesn’t need to know I still head north instead of south and this morning I thought Broadway was west of 8th. That can be our little secret.

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