Sunday, March 7, 2010

Who are you Calling Cheap?

Everyone thinks New York City is the most expensive city in the world. New York is expensive, and some things (rent, Broadway tickets…) shockingly so, but there are definitely deals to be had. Here is a short list of inexpensive things in New York:

1. Hummus - a HUGE tub for $1.99 – where else can you find that? In Seattle, I was paying $3-$4 more.
2. Brunch -everyone has a deal. $10-$12 for a huge plate of food, all the coffee you can drink, and the cocktail of your choice.**
3. Central Park84 acres of totally free fun
4. The Metropolitan OperaThis is not a type-o. The first 200 people in line for rush tickets get $20 tickets every night. $20!
5. Diner Lunch SpecialsDiners have lunch deals because they do most of their business between 2-5 AM. $8 will get you enough food for lunch and dinner!
6. Book Readings Every night authors go to bookstores around the city and read from their latest books. Absolutely free and a great place to meet interesting people.
7. PerformancesWhether you’re in Union Square, Central Park, or the local subway terminal, art is everywhere in New York. This weekend, I saw break-dancers outside the Public Library, steel drummers in Central Park, and a violinist in the subway who played 80’s punk. He was awesome. All entertaining – all absolutely free of charge.
8. Pizza and Hot Dogs – If you’re paying more than $1.00 for either, you’re paying too much….or you’re in midtown.

** A note on the brunch phenomenon. I think I found the best deal in the city. On 14th between 8th and 9th there’s an Italian restaurant named Carbineras. Their deal is this: $12 for brunch, coffee and unlimited cocktails. The only caveat is they get to kick you out after two hours. Two hours of boozing for $12? This has to be the best deal in town. Forget the gym, now you know where to find me Sunday mornings.

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