Sunday, March 7, 2010

We've been SPRUNG!

On my way to the dog park, I was waiting for the light to change and a woman sided up next to me. “I woke up this morning,” she said unprovoked, “went outside and thought ‘thank’s SPRING!” My reaction was one of complete agreement. “It’s awesome,” I replied.
It was so warm today I wanted to weep with gratitude. The bright blue sky was like a cozy hug. People were downright giddy. Elderly men walked down the street smiling for no reason, strangers slapped each other on the back, people laughed out loud. I was sitting in a restaurant in the lower east side having brunch (see “best deals in the city” for more on that), and three men came in carrying bright orange frisbies. It’s like the winter thaw took 20 years off the average New Yorker. We’re all kids again.
At long last, it seems like spring has arrived in New York. Break out the sunglasses and hang up those sleeping bag coats. It’s time to celebrate…outside.

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